With the Coronavirus (Covid-19) now starting to show itself in the US with enough rise in numbers to be exploited politically, the Democrats and Leftists have begun to employ another of their favorite weapons – no, not a weapon to combat the spread of this virus, but a weapon with which to attack and destroy their political opposition. In this case, the primary target of this political weapon is President Trump, their primary target for the past four years.

Preventing the spread of a virus is nearly impossible in any civilization where there is any degree of freedom and in particular, that element of freedom that so many of us take for granted: mobility. As we’ve seen, in a country as despotic as Red China, even the iron fist of the state could not prevent the spread of the disease.

A short thought exercise illustrates that the only way for the leader of a country to attempt to stymie the spread of a disease is to completely shut down the borders – no travel into our out of the country – or, short of a complete shutdown of the borders, a two- to three- week quarantine of anyone entering the country.

This would also require a complete shutdown of people driving across our northern and our southern borders.

This would also require the forced quarantine of citizens, either completely restricting them to their homes (and having government agencies deliver food and other necessities  to each home – which we simply do not have the capacity to support) or to allow the absolute minimal restriction of travel (to the hospital, a weekly trip to the grocery store, and only the movement of those essential to our operations such as truck drivers, police, medical personnel).

We all have about four years of experience with the constant attacks the Democrats/Leftists have been using on President Trump, so we have a clear idea of exactly what their reaction would be if he attempted to enforce any of these measures. They’d call them unconstitutional and they’d sue and shop around for Leftist tyrants in black robes to rule all of the actions unconstitutional and to dictate they be discontinued.

Meanwhile, the press would have a heyday calling him Hitler, Mussolini, a dictator, an autocrat, and they’d use it as an illustration to back their hysterical lie that President Trump would refuse to leave office should he be defeated in 2020 (which, until the spread of Covid-19 and the exploitation of it by the Democrats for their political gain, has appeared very unlikely).

As a side note, it is ironic that it is the Democratic Governor of Washington, Jay Inslee, that is now starting to propose these draconian measures to contain the virus which has run with devastating power through one of the healthcare facilities in his Utopian socialist state.

Their goal in calling President Trump a dictator would be the goal of all the political warfare they’ve employed against him for four years: to destroy him and his presidency, to prevent him from enacting his agenda and campaign promises, and to attack and demonize those that supported him and continue to do so. All of this has the singular purpose of putting Leftist Democrats in power.

Immediately, their goal is to create hysteria and panic (Covid-19 is not yet a pandemic but is merely a dempanic) in order to destroy the economy and cause a recession. Let’s face it. The Democrats have done nothing good for America for nearly four years (actually, they’ve done nothing good for the country for decades, but that’s the topic for another article). For four years, their entire focus has been to attack President Trump and especially those that support him. They have nothing to run on in 2020 except the hatred they harbor and spew and inflame in others.

For the 2020 presidential election, they also must face their previous political tactic (“It’s the economy, stupid”) that they used against George H.W. Bush to put the disgraced, impeached Bill Clinton in office. By all measures, the economy has undone the destruction of the Obama-era attacks on America and according to the “economic” argument, President Trump has a strong record for reelection.

The Democrats know they have nothing to run on and that they face a booming economy, so they are hoping for and trying to cause a recession.

They don’t care if they have to wipe out the 401K retirement plans of millions of Baby Boomers who have recently retired and who are planning to retire. That’s just a small price others have to play to empower the Democrats, the do-nothing party of hatred.

On the other hand, President Trump could decide not to impose these restrictions on American freedom and to allow the virus to run its course. And we all know what would be the result of that: the Leftist Democrats would blame any harm done to the country and its citizens on him, they’ll say he “did nothing.”

President Trump is facing yet another Leftist Democrat political weapon: Damned If You Do, Damned If You Don’t.

It can be a difficult political attack to counter.

Unless, of course, we focus on what the Leftist Democrats have done and have not done to prevent the spread of the virus and to treat those who have been infected and what their suggestions and recommendations to the President have been and how they have offered to put aside their political differences for the sake of the country.

© 2020 K. DeCourcey.
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