Why the Run on TP?
Simple. It is a run on human dignity.
For five years, patriotic, conservative Americans have been pointing to the rioting, the looting, the starving, the nationalizing of private businesses at the hands of despotic, Socialist regime in Venezuela.
We’ve been pointing to it as the perfect example of what happens in all Socialist countries when Socialists “run out of other people’s money to spend.”
The epitome of the degradation of a Socialist country was the complete lack of any TP in the entire country.
People rioted and fought over a few rolls.
Because cleaning yourself after using the bathroom is one of the fundamental acts of dignity in civilization. To do otherwise is a throw back to caveman days, to barbarism.
Yet, the Utopia of Socialist Venezuela could not provide its citizens with even this most basic of human dignities.
When we pointed out these failures, American Socialists laughed at us or tried to posit the, “Well, Socialism is only failing because it hasn’t been tried the right way” even though Socialism has been tried not only the right way according to their doctrine, it has been customized to fit the peoples and cultures as diverse as they are across the planet. There is a South American style of Socialism, a Central American style, a Cuban style, an Asian style, a Russian style, a Nordic style, a German and French and Spanish and British style. It has been tried and tested and customized more than any system on earth or in the history of civilization.
And yet it fails eventually wherever it has been tried.
Yet they still want to cram it down our throats, promising Utopia.
They despise us not only for denying them this absolute Statist power but even for simply refusing to agree with them, for daring to disagree.
They despise us as though their way is based on hardcore, undeniable scientific Truth. But the reality is that their arrogant certainty, their condescension, the hatred they live their lives with is all based upon their opinion…their beliefs.
I knew a Russian lady who escaped from the Soviet Union in the early 1990’s. She told me that when she and her husband arrived in America, they would walk the grocery stores late at night in complete awe that they were so big, that there were so many shelves, and that the shelves were all stocked. They couldn’t get over the abundance and that no one was fighting to obtain the basics.
We should not have a run on TP in America, because we have a fine system for manufacturing, distributing, and selling the product.
But the citizens panicked thinking this most fundamental of human dignities would be cut off. Americans don’t seem to mind the constant, incremental assault on their civil liberties, but they are terrified of having the most basic dignities taken away. The citizens panicked and bought up TP wherever they could and this sudden spike in demand created shortages.
They also panicked because they’d been led to believe the lie spread by cynical, condescending, liberals such as Sinclair Lewis in It Can’t Happen Here, that when fascism comes to America it would be the American conservative Christian that rules with an iron fist. Comparing America to Venezuela and fearing that the Leftists will exploit this crisis to expand their centralized, iron-fisted power, to begin their revolution, they see clearly now that the Lewises of the world are and have been wrong: that when fascism comes to America, it will be caring a copy of the UN Charter, Rachel Carson’s Silent Spring, Marx’s Communist Manifesto, Paul Erhlich’s Population Bomb and any work by the Christian-hater Richard Dawkins and any other Cultural Marxists whose singular goal has been and is the destruction of Western Civilization and the return to a two-tiered system of the ruling elite and the serfs and that they acknowledge the silent voice that it is their conservative, Christian neighbor that they will turn to for aid, perhaps will even plan to loot – with a smile or tears, perhaps, but loot nonetheless.
But our system will recover and restock the shelves long before people run out of TP in their homes, because our system is still based upon free-markets, which is based upon freedom and private enterprise and private property and voluntary exchanges.
And now we have an excellent example of what life would look like in our country under Socialism.
What it will look like….forever.
© 2020 K. DeCourcey.
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