There are degrees of desire.

There is desire, just wanting something. It is a step above the basic instincts. It can be good or bad depending on what you desire.

There is jealousy, which is a desire for what another has. It ranges from mild to intense.

There is envy, which is a passionate and sometimes violent desire for what another has.

Then there is covetousness. When you covet what another has, you hate that person for what they have, and you hate God for giving to that person what you desire — to the point of being blind to all that God has already given you.

There is a reason why the Greek of the ten commandments is most accurately translated as “Do not covet your neighbor’s wife.” While it has its literal application (not to covet your neighbor’s wife), it also has its metaphorical meaning, which is not to desire anything that others have, because one form of desire leads to another by evil impulses and forces.

Statists, devious politicians, and agent provocateurs sow the seeds of jealousy and nurture those seeds to grow into envy and covetousness as part of a divide-and-conquer strategy. These are the ‘baiters’ in politics and social engineering. Whether they are race-baiters, class-baiters, immigrant-baiters, union-baiters, or “orientation”-baiters, they huddle each special-interest group together, separate them from the unity of a common citizenry, and point to other groups and whisper like Iago in their ears, “They have something you do not have. You would be perfectly justified in hating them for this difference and taking whatever it is they have that you want.”

The statists and devious politicians and agent provocateurs do this because they are driven by the same hatred that Iago suffered from and that hatred becomes an insatiable desire — a coveting — for power and control.

For the past decades (since the fall of outright Marxism and its replacement with Cultural Marxists), this has been carried out through the legislative process and more recently the judicial process by activist judges unconstitutionally awarding special-interest plaintiffs with whatever it is they happen to sue the targeted group for.

What is alarming is the rapid increase with which the covetous are physically attacking those they have been nurtured to hate and the guidance and approval for their violence that they are receiving from the Statists and devious politicians and agent provocateurs.






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