This has been going on too long. And it has been perpetuated by people who ought to know better, who are fully aware of how deceivers and tyrants not only control the debate in order to deflect opponents away from the true issue but also manipulate the language to further their deception and frame the very thinking of their opponents — all to steal more power and control for themselves.

hoax is a mild deception for the purpose of humor or entertainment. Occasionally, as with the Sokal hoax, a hoax can be used to discover dishonesty, fraudulent practices, and prejudices.

When someone deceives an individual, a group, or a nation and deprives them of their liberty (this includes their freedom to speak freely and openly without risk of prosecution or persecution) and their private property (this includes the private property of income and savings through paying taxes, fees, and fines, which is also Life Energy) that is not a hoax, it is fraud.

Bernie Madoff will spend the rest of his life in jail not because he played a hoax on his investors, but because he committed fraud against them.

Analysis of Past and Current Frauds

The Anthropogenic Global Warming (AGW) Fraud

The “Russian Collusion” Fraud

Examples of Fraud (and Frauds Mislabeled as Hoaxes)

The Kwanzaa Hoax: A Fake Holiday With A Racist Goal, Created By A Criminal Madman (23-Dec-2019)

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