Yesterday was truly a historic day for the United States.
The House of Representatives, controlled by the Democratic Party, voted to impeach President Donald J. Trump.
It marks the third impeachment of a sitting president.
But that is not what makes it historic.
What makes it historic is that this is the first time in United States history that the House of Representatives impeached a president…for spite.
What is not historic about yesterday is that it is yet one more attempt for this hateful, do-nothing, Democratic-controlled congress to use any dirty trick in their large bag of dirty tricks to attack anyone and everyone (because this was an impeachment of the Americans that voted for and support President Trump as much as it was an attack on him) that gets in the way of their absolute rule.
It is also historic in that it is the first time that the Democrats officially added impeachment as yet another weapon of personal destruction to their already overstocked arsenal for political warfare.
One of the main purposes of this fraudulent, manufactured impeachment (in addition to the obvious goals of attempting to undo the 2016 election and to destroy President Trump’s chances of reelection in 2020) is to instill the fear in the hearts and minds of everyone in this country (citizen and non-citizen alike) that not only will these leftist tyrants use Hatred as a Modus Operandi for their political warfare but that their hatred will be backed by eventual impeachment of any candidate that the people elect that is other than theirs.
Their message is: “Why bother electing someone else? Impeachment will be just around the corner.”
This is the message of political terrorism.
Their campaign of Hate continues unabated but, be warned, it appears to have no end. This is a historic lowering of the bar in the Democrat’s playbook of political warfare. And we all know what happens when the bar is lowered. Eventually it becomes the norm, and then they’ll have to lower the bar again to continue their obsessive quest for absolute rule.
We should all take some time to think about that and what it means to us as citizens of a free country. If they would do this to the president, what would they do to you?
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