Part of the subversive and devious strategy of Leftists is to control and contort the language to do their bidding. This is nothing new. The Sophists of the Socrates and Isocrates era of antiquity were using the same tricks and were rightfully denounced as trying to make “the lesser argument appear the better” by deliberately abusing logic and rhetoric and especially by using some of the favorite tactics of today’s Leftists: deflection, denial, redirection, and the deliberate use of logical fallacies including their favorite, the ad hominem attack. All of these abuses of logic, philosophy, rhetoric and plain and honest dialog in the quest of seeking Truth were codified and legitimized in contemporary times in Saul Alinksy’s Rules for Radicals.
They have successfully demonized the terms “Nationalism” and “Nationalist” by linking them with the NAZIs, who were national socialists…the operative focus in their party name and their acronym being, of course that of Socialism. Leftists ignore this fact and won’t allow it to prevent them from rewriting history. Instead, they focus on the lesser tactic the NAZIs used (the creation of the mythological Aryan race to defend the motherland and its racially unique inhabitants) in order to deflect today’s arguments away from the core ideology of the NAZI party discussed in detail in Jonah Goldberg’s Liberal Fascism and Dinesh D’Souza’s, The Big Lie: socialism, the welfare state, hostility to big and private business, gun control, the belief in nationalizing all business and profits, cradle-to-grave social handouts, government controlled education and “healthcare,” the state-sanctioned taking of innocent life all the way from abortion to post-birth “abortion” (more clearly known as infanticide) to euthanasia to genocide — all for that the State deems to be the “common good.”
No, the left ignores and deflects criticism of their socialist and globalist goals in order to deflect their opponents from the fact that the socio-political agenda of the NAZI party has been almost completely adopted by the left wing of the DNC.
George Orwell must be spinning in his grave as he sees so many politicians today using the dystopian prophecies he wrote for us in Animal Farm and 1984 being used not as a warning to preserve our liberty and to prevent a bloodthirsty, oppressive, iron-fisted State from seizing control of not only our nations but of all nations of the world, but as a guidebook for the Statists to follow in order to bring his dystopian nightmare to reality.
Globalism is not patriotism, as President Macron said recently, employing Orwell’s Newspeak (“war is peace,” “slavery is freedom”) with alarming dexterity.
Nationalism is not the enemy of patriotism. Globalism is the enemy of patriotism.
Patriotism — true patriotism not the twisted Newspeak and mind-control that the left is trying to contort it into becoming — is the defense of national sovereignty.
Here the operative term is sovereignty. As countries around the world wake up to the horror of globalism and the dissolution of borders and cultures (whether that is for global trade that puts profits before national interest or for globalized socialism, which will be nothing less than Sovietism on a global scale, though it has been the latter that is destroying economies in addition to destroying borders and cultures), the leaders and citizens of both Socialist and Capitalist nations realize that if sovereignty is lost, the nation is lost, the culture is lost…all is lost.
President Trump needs to take control of the language, stop using the terms that Leftists have perverted, and refer to himself as a leader who defends national sovereignty, because that is exactly what he is attempting to do. And this is the primary reason why the globalists, including the Establishment Party in the U.S., despise him and have removed all the stops in their goal of destroying him and his presidency.